Andy Warhol, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.[ перевод данного текста ]
Andy Warhol, 1928-1987, an American artist and filmmaker is regarded as the founder of pop culture. Pop art first appeared in Great Britain at the end of the 1950s as a reaction against the seriousness of abstract expressionism. British and American pop artists used images found in comic strips, soup cans, and Coke bottles to express abstract relationships. Pop artists attempted to combine elements of popular and high culture to destroy the boundaries between the two. The leader of the pop art movement and one of the most influential artists of the late 20th century, Warhol concentrated on the surface of things. He choose his images from the world of commonplace objects such as dollar bills, soup cans, soft-drink bottles, and soap-pad boxes. He both ridiculed and celebrated American middle-class values by destroying the distinction between popular and high culture. Monotony and repetition became — typical of his multi-image, mass-produced paintings. For many of these, such as the portraits of Marilyn Monroe and Jacqueline Kennedy, he employed newspaper photographs. He and his assistants worked in a large New York studio called the 'Factory.' In the mid-1960s Warhol began making films, suppressing the personal element in marathon essays on boredom. In The Chelsea Girls (1966) he used techniques that differed from established methods. With Paul Morrissey, Warhol also made the films Frankenstein and Dracula. In 1973, Warhol first published the magazine Interview focusing on lives of celebrities. He died from complications following surgery. The Andy Warhol Museum, which exhibits many of his works, opened in Pittsburgh in 1994. Перевод текста: Andy Warhol1. Уорхол, американский художник и кинорежиссер, считается основателем поп-культуры, которая возникла как реакция на абстрактный импрессионизм.2. Художники поп-арта используют образы из мира обычных предметов — комиксы, банки консервированного супа и бутылки кока-колы, чтобы выразить абстрактные отношения, пытаясь объединить элементы популярной и высокой культуры, чтобы разрушить существующие между ними границы. 3. Лидер движения поп-арта и один из влиятельнейших художников конца XX века, он уделял особое внимание поверхности вещей, одновременно высмеивая и воспевая ценности американского среднего класса. 4. Монотонность и повтор стали типичными для его многочисленных картин, которые содержали изображение многих предметов и для которых он часто использовал фотографии. 5. Позже он стал снимать фильмы и выпускать журнал «Интервью», который уделял основное внимание жизни знаменитостей. 6. Он умер от осложнений после операции. 1. Warhol, an American artist and filmmaker, is regarded as the founder of pop culture which appeared in Great Britain as a reaction against abstract impressionism. 2. Pop artists use images found in the world of commonplace objects — comic strips, soup cans and Coke bottles to express abstract relationships, trying to combine elements of popular and high culture to destroy the boundaries between them. 3. The leader of the pop art movement and one of the most influential artists of the late 20th century, he concentrated on the surface of things, both ridiculing and celebrating American middle-class values. 4. Monotony and repetition became typical of his multi-image, mass-produced paintings, for which he often employed newspaper photographs. 5. Later he began making films and published the magazine 'Interview', focusing on the lives of celebrities. 6. He died from complications following surgery.
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