Valentin Serov, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.

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Valentin Alexandrovich Serov was an outstanding Russian painter. In his childhood he studied under Ilya Repin. The biggest influences on Serov were paintings of the old masters in museums of Russia and Western Europe, friendship with Mikhail Vrubeland later with Konstantin Korovin, and the creative atmosphere of the Abramtsevo Colony circle to which he was closely connected.

The greatest works of Serov's early period were portraits (The Girl with Peaches (1887), The Girl Covered by the 5h»i(1888). In these paintings Serov concentrated on spontaneity of perception of the model and the nature. In development of light and color, in the saturation of the environment by air, in freshness of perception of the world there appeared the features of early Russian impressionism.

From 1890 on, the portrait became the basic genre in Serov's art. Serov's favorite models were actors, artists, and writers (Konstantin Korovin, Isaac Levitan, Nikolai Leskov, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov). He often produced intimate, chamber portraits, mainly of children and women. In portraits of children Serov managed to capture pose and gesture, sincere cleanliness and clearness of attitude of the child {Children, Mika Morozov).

Receiving wide popularity, becoming in 1894 partners with Peredvizh-niki, Serov had to work much above custom-made, as a rule, smart portraits (portraits of grand duke Pavel Alexandrovich, his portraits of S. M. Botkin and F. F. Yusupova). In these truthful, compositional!} skillful, and picturesque paintings, Serov used decorative color combinations.

In 1890 to the beginning of 1900, Serov produced many landscape compositions on country themes. During his late period (which began in 1900), Serov was connected with 'The World of Art', an association Serov was a member of from its beginning.

At the turn of the century, Serov was at a stylistic turning point: features of impressionism disappeared from his work, and his modernistic style developed, In the middle of 1900 Serov created heroic portrait images; having selected for them the genre of a smart portrait, Serov developed a former theme of the artist finding freedom in the revealing of talent and his public importance (Maxim Gorki's portraits); Maria Yermolova, Feodor Chaliapin.

Serov's democratic beliefs were clearly shown during the Revolution from 1905 to 1907: being a full member of the St. Petersburg Academy of arts since 1903, in 1905 he left it as a gesture of protest against the execution on January 9. His late creativity was dominated by historical painting {Peter Fs departure and Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on hunting, 1900), and depth of comprehension of an epoch ('Peter Г).

Перевод текста: Valentin Serov

1. Серов— выдающийся русский художник, самое значительное влияние на которого оказали Репин, старые мастера, Коровин и творческая атмосфера Абрамцевского кружка, с которым он был тесно связан.
2. Самые значительные работы этого периода — портреты, в которых он обращал основное внимание на спонтанность восприятия модели и природы.
3. Его ранние картины демонстрируют черты раннего русского импрессионизма — игру света и тени, насыщенность атмосферы картины воздухом, свежесть восприятия мира.
4. Портрет стал основным жанром его искусства, он рисовал интимные камерные портреты, в которых ему удалось передать позу и жест.
5. Когда Серов завоевал широкую популярность и стал сотрудничать с передвижниками, ему пришлось много работать над традиционными парадными портретами, которые отличаются искусной композицией и живописны.
6. Позже он создал много пейзажных композиций и стал сотрудничать с «Миром искусства».
7. На рубеже веков он стоял на перепутье в отношении стиля: стиль его картин стал модернистским, а черты импрессионизма исчезли из его работ.
8. Он работал в жанре героического парадного портрета, в котором развивал тему свободы художника, которая реализуется в проявлении его таланта и общественной значимости.
9. В его позднем творчестве главную роль играла историческая живопись, которая характеризовалась глубиной понимания эпохи.

1. Serov is an outstanding Russian painter, the bigest influences on him were Repin, the olf masters, Vrubel, Korovin and the creative atmosphere of the Abramtsevo Colony circle to which he was closely connected.
2. The greatest works of his early period were portraits, where he concentrated on spontaneity of perception of the model and the nature.
3. His early pictures showed the features of early Russian impressionism — development of light and colour, the saturation of the environment by air, freshness of perception of the world.
4. Portrait became the basic genre of his art, and he produced intimate, chamber portraits where he managed to capture pose and gesture.
5. When Serov received wide popularity and became partners with Peredvizhniki, he had to work much above custom-made smart portraits, which are compositionally skilful and picturesque paintings.
6. Later he produced many landscape compositions and became connected with The World of Art'.
7. At the turn of the century he was at a stylistic turning point: his modernistic style developed, and features of impressionist disappeared from his work.
8. He worked in the genre of a heroic smart portrait, where he developed the theme of the artist finding freedom in the revealing of talent and his public importance.
9. His later creativity was dominated by historical painting showing depth of comprehension of an epoch.
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