Ernest Hemingway, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.

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Ernest Hemingway, an outstanding American novelist, short story writer and journalist of the 20th century, was a son of a country doctor. Hemingway worked as a reporter for the Kansas City Star after graduating from high school in 1917. During World War I he served as an ambulance driver in France and in the Italian infantry and was wounded just before his 19th birthday. Later, while working in Paris as a correspondent for the Toronto Star, he became involved with the expatriate literary and artistic circle surrounding Gertrude Stein. During the Spanish Civil War, Hemingway served as a correspondent. He fought in World War II. In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He had a lot of ill health problems, and in July, 1961, he committed suicide by shooting himself.

Hemingway's fiction usually focuses on people living dangerous lives— soldiers, fishermen, athletes, bullfighters — who meet the pain and difficulty of their life with stoic courage. Hemingway's first books, attracted attention because of his literary style. His style, influenced by Ezra Pound and Gertrude Stein, is direct and often monotonous but very well suited to the subject matter.

With the publication of The Sun Also Rises (1926), he was recognized as the spokesman of the lost generation' (so called by Gertrude Stein). The novel describes a group of expatriates living in postwar Paris. They are disillusioned and take psychological refuge in such immediate physical activities as eating, drinking, travelling — and love-making. His next important novel, A Farewell to Arms (1929), tells of a tragic wartime love affair between an ambulance driver and an English nurse. Hemingway also published such volumes of short stories as Men without Women (1927) and Winner Takes Nothing (1933), as well as The Fifth Column, a play.

Hemingway's nonfiction works, Death in the Afternoon (1932), about bullfighting, and Green Hills of Africa (1935), about big-game hunting, glorify bravery. From his experience in the Spanish Civil War came Hemingway's great novel, For Whom the Bell Tolls (1940), which, describing an incident in the war, argues for human brotherhood. His novel The Old Man and the Sea (1952) celebrates the courage of an aged Cuban fisherman. Among Hemingway's other works are the novels To Have and Have Not (1937) and Across the River and into the Trees (1950); he also edited an anthology of stories, Men at War (1942).

Перевод текста: Ernest Hemingway

1. Хемингуэй был выдающимся американским писателем-романистом, новелистом и журналистом, он работал репортером, служил водителем машины скорой помощи во время Первой мировой войны, был ранен, служил корреспондентом во время Второй мировой войны и покончил жизнь самоубийством.
2. В Париже он связался с литературно-художественным кружком эмигрантов, главой которой была Гертруда Штайн, которая оказала большое влияние на Хемингуэя.
3. Он знаменит своим стилем, прямым и часто монотонным, но очень хорошо передающим предмет повествования.
4. В центре внимания его художественных произведений — люди, ведущие опасную жизнь и стоически переносящие боль: участники боя быков, солдаты, рыбаки.
5. Хемингуэй — признанный представитель «потерянного поколения» — людей без иллюзий, искавших психологическое спасение в простых физических действиях (отправлениях).
6. Нехудожественные произведения Хемингуэя посвящены бою быков и охоте на крупного зверя и воспевают смелость.

1. Hemingway was an outstanding American novelist, short story writer and journalist of the 20th century and worked as a reporter, served as an ambulance driver during World War I, was wounded, served as a correspondent during World War II, and committed suicide.
2. In Paris he became involved with the expatriated literary and artistic circle surrounding Gertrude Stein and was greatly influenced by her.
3. He is famous for his style which is direct and often monotonous but very well suited to the subject matter.
4. His fiction focuses on people living dangerous lives and meeting pain with stoic courage — bullfighters, soldiers, fishermen.
5. Hemingway is recognised as a spokesman of the 'lost generation' — disillusioned people taking psychological refuge in immediate physical activities.
6. Hemingway's nonfiction works are about bullfighting and big-game hunting and glorify bravery.
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