Franklin Delano Roosevelt, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.[ перевод данного текста ]
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the USA (1933— 1945), was born in Hyde Park, New York, on January 30,1882. He was loved and hated in his day, and considered by many one of the outstanding American presidents. Roosevelt is known for his leading the USA through the Great Depression. He is famous, too, for playing an important role in the anti-Hitler coalition, the coalition that defeated Nazi Germany in World War II and created the United Nations. Roosevelt graduated from Harvard university and Columbia Law School and became a lawyer. In 1910, he was elected to the New York State Senate as a Democrat. In 1912, he was appointed assistant secretary of the navy by Woodrow Wilson. In August 1921, Roosevelt was paralysed during his vacation at Campobello. After a long fight, he recovered partial use of his legs. In 1928 Roosevelt ran for governor of New York, was elected, and reelected in 1930. In 1932, Roosevelt was nominated president by the Democrats. After being elected president, he immediately launched a campaign that brought new spirit to discouraged Americans — the New Deal program was introduced. The program provided greater benefits for labour, the farmers, and the unemployed. Very soon Roosevelt became aware of the danger of totalitarian fascism. From 1937 on he tried to focus public attention on the events in Europe and Asia. As a result, he got a reputation of a warmonger. He was reelected in 1936, and in 1940, which was for the first time in the history of the USA. During the World War II, Roosevelt shelved the New Deal in the interests of the business, to get full production. A series of conferences with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin created the bases for the postwar world. In 1944 he was elected to a fourth term. On April 12, 1945, Roosevelt died at Warm Springs shortly after his return from the Yalta Conference. His wife, (Anna) Eleanor Roosevelt was a woman of great ability who made significant contributions to her husband's policies. Перевод текста: Franklin Delano Roosevelt1. Рузвельт был одним из выдающихся американских президентов, который возглавлял США во время Великой депрессии и сыграл большую роль в антигитлеровской коалиции.2. Антигитлеровская коалиция нанесла поражение нацистский Германии во второй мировой войне и создала Организацию объединенных наций. 3. Рузвельт был избран в сенат штата Нью-Йорк, а позже назначен заместителем министра по военно-морскому флоту. 4. Он баллотировался на пост губернатора Нью-Йорка, был избран, переизбран, а также выдвинут демократами кандидатом в президенты. 5. После того как он был избран президентом, Рузвельт начал кампанию, которая подняла дух деморализованных американцев, была введена программа «Новый курс», которая предоставляла льготы рабочим, фермерам и безработным. 6. Он понял опасность тоталитарного фашизма, пытался привлечь внимание общественности к ситуации в Европе и Азии и заслужил репутацию разжигателя войны. 7. Он отложил в долгий ящик программу Нового соглашения в интересах бизнеса и участвовал в ряде конференций, которые заложили основы послевоенного мира. 8. Его жена была женщиной выдающихся способностей и внесла значительный вклад в политику своего мужа. 1. Rousevelt was one of the outstanding American presidents who led the USA through the Great Depression and played an important role in anti-Hitler coalition. 2. The anti-Hitler coalition defeated Nazi Germany in World War II and created the United Nations. 3. Roosevelt was elected to the New York State Senate and later appointed assistant secretary of the navy. 4. He ran for governor of New York, was elected, reelected and later nominated president by the Democrats. 5. After being elected president, Roosevelt launched a campaign that brought new spirit to discouraged Americans, and the New Deal program was introduced which provided benefits for labour, farmers and the unemployed. 6. He became aware of the danger of totalitarian fascism, tried to focus public attention of the situation in Europe and Asia, and got a reputation of a warmonger. 7. He shelved the New Deal program in the interests of the business and attended a series of conferences which created the bases for the postwar world. 8. His wife was a woman of great ability who made significant contribution to her husband's policies.
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