William Faulkner, устная тема по английскому языку с переводом. Топик.[ перевод данного текста ]
William Cuthbert Faulkner born in 1897 was a Nobel Prize-winning novelist from Mississippi. Though his works are sometimes considered challenging, he is regarded as one of America's most influential fiction writers. Faulkner was known for using long, serpentine sentences, in contrast to the minimalist style of Ernest Hemingway. Some consider Faulkner to be the only true American modernist prose fiction writer of 1930s, following in the experimental tradition of European writers such as James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, and Marcel Proust. His work is known for literary devices like stream of consciousness, multiple narrations or points of view, and narrative time shifts. Faulkner was born in New Albany. His great-grandfather, William Clark Faulkner, was an important figure in the history of northern Mississippi who served as a colonel in the Confederate Army, founded a railroad, and gave his name to the town of Faulkner. Perhaps most importantly, he wrote several novels and other works, establishing a literary tradition in the family. Eventually, Colonel Faulkner became the model for Colonel John Sartoris in his great-grandson's writing. It is understandable that the younger Faulkner was influenced by the history of his family and the region in which they lived. Mississippi marked his sense of humor, his sense of the tragic position of blacks and whites, his keen characterization of usual Southern characters and his timeless themes, one of them being that fiercely intelligent people dwelled behind the facades of good old boys and simpletons. Faulkner's most celebrated novels include The Sound and the Fury (1929), As I Lay Dying (1930), Light in August (1932), and Absalom, Absaloml (1936). Faulkner was a prolific writer of short stories: his first short story collection. These 13 was published in 1932. He received a Pulitzer Prize for A Fable, and won National Book Awards for his Collected Stories (1951) тй A Fable (1955). Faulkner was also a writer of mysteries, publishing a collection of crime fiction, Knight's Gambit, Light in August, and The Town. He set many of his short stories and novels in his fictional Yoknapatawpha County. Yoknapatawpha was his very own 'postage stamp9 and it is considered to be one of the most monumental fictional creations in the history of literature. In the later years, Faulkner moved to Hollywood to be a screenwriter (producing scripts for Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep and Ernest Hemingway's To Have and Have Not). Faulkner donated his Nobel winnings 'to establish a fund to support and encourage new fiction writers,' eventually resulting in the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction. Faulkner served as Writer-in-Residence at the University of Virginia from 1957 until his death in 1962 of a heart attack. Перевод текста: William Faulkner1. Фолкнер, лауреат Нобелевской премии, считается одним из самых влиятельных авторов художественной прозы и известен произведениями, которые иногда считаются сложными.2. Он является одним из наиболее значительных американских прозаиков-модернистов 1930-х годов, который следовал экспериментаторской традиции европейских писателей, и известен тем, что использовал такие литературные приемы, как поток сознания, многоплановое повествование и сдвиги времени повествования. 3. Он также известен своим мастерским воссозданием типичных характеров южан и «вечными темами» произведений. 4. Он получил Пулитцеровскую премию и Национальную премию в области литературы, и был также известен как автор книг с элементами мистики и сложным сюжетом, действие многих из которых происходило в вымышленном им округе Йокнопатофа, которое является «маркой» Фолкнера. 5. Он стал сценаристом и написал много сценариев. 6. Он передал полученную Нобелевскую премию на создание фонда помощи и поддержки молодых авторов художественной литературы. 7. Фолкнер работал писателем при университете Вирджинии. 8. Он был известен как плодовитый автор коротких рассказов, издавший ряд сборников коротких рассказов. 1. Faulkner, a Nobel Prize-winning novelist is regarded as one of the American most influential science fiction writers, famous for works which are sometimes considered challenging. 2. He is one of the most important American modernist prose fiction writers of the 1930s, who followed in the experimental tradition of European writers and is known for using literary devices like stream of consciousness, multiple narrations and narrative time shifts. 3. He is also famous for his keen characterization of usual Southern characters and his timeless themes. 4. He received a Pulitzer Prize and won National Book Awards, and was also known as a writer of mysteries, many of which were set in his fictional Yoknapatawpha County which was his own 'postage stamp'. 5. Later he became a screenwriter and produced many scripts. 6. He donated his Nobel winnings to establish a fund to support and encourage new fiction writers. 7. Faulkner served as Writer-in-Residence at the university of Virginia. 8. He was famous as a prolific writer of short stories, who published a number of short story collections.
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